Friday, June 1, 2012

     I haven't been blogging very much (if you haven't noticed!)  Lately, I have been busy flying homemade paper airplanes, hunting potato bugs, and killing spiders in the back yard with the boys (among the regular cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping).  We spend what time we can, outside.  It is different everyday, but endless entertainment is always provided one way or another!  I will be chasing 2 unstoppable healthy boys now instead of 1.  Tuesday L took 3 solid steps.  Today in front of all 3 of us, he walked across the entire (hahaha, little) living room.  We cheered and clapped so loud he was scared at first.  It took him a moment to put together what he had done, with what we were doing.  But once he figured it out, boy was he up and at it again, trying over and over relentlessly to attain higher stature without wobbling and tumbling repeatedly.  He is so proud of himself and I am proud of him too, but it is hard watching him gain bits of independence already. 
     Time has really flown by.  I can't believe it is June ALREADY!!  In 3 weeks, my boys will have their 1st & 3rd birthday within 2 days of each other.  We will celebrate both at one party with family and friends.  I am happy for the boys that as they get older there will be a number of fun things we look forward to doing with them, however, as  a mom, I will miss these times all too soon.  I truly cherish the time I share with them and soak up as much as I can because I know how QUICKLY it will pass, leaving only memories to bath in.

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