Friday, May 4, 2012

Counting My Blessings

Back in 2009 when my first son was born, I started writing down (in a pink zebra print composition notebook) all of my blessings I felt during the day.  I loved jotting down the good things in my day, to have a tangible reminder on the days when it seemed everything went wrong that life was still great.  It was like a pick-me-up.  I'd like to say I just got too busy to stick with it, but honestly I think I just took my good days for granted ; )  My commitment to my daily count of blessing drifted off and ceased.  I sporadically made an entry here and there but now I think of how many times I wish I'd written down something to spark a memory for the gap of time between dates.  It wasn't until last night when I stumbled upon a fellow blogger's site and noticed her "1000 gifts" list that I realized I had discarded my journal to the depths of my desk (atleast I still had it though!).  She was inspired by a book she read called One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are.  It reminded me of this book I used to journal my account of the day's blessings.  So when I went to bed last night, I whipped out the ol' journal and began reading my earliest entries.  I enjoyed recalling those moments and added new ones for the past 3 days.  So much of the time, I get caught up in "what went wrong" with my day and oversee the BLESSINGS that intertwined my day.  Hahahaha, here's one: "I am thankful I stumbled upon Freedom at Home and School's blog to remind me of my daily blessings."

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