Thursday, April 12, 2012

Our 6 Year Anniversary

Phew, it has been forever since I last posted anything.  And the last thing I posted wasn't even that entertaining ; )  My Love & I recently celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary.  It was celebrated by my mom watching the boys while we ENJOYED a nice dinner together.  Just before leaving the house, we learned his sister & husband were going out to eat too.  By the time we met up, they had just finished their meal but we ambushed them as they were exiting their booth, just in time to scoot 'em back in to chat.  Since they had finished eating and we hadn't gone to our restaurant yet, we invited them to have some fondue with us.  In addition to NEVER eating out without the kids, we NEVER get to enjoy the company of others like this too!  We had a GREAT time.  After completing a round of fondue, they continued on with their date and we stayed to finish ours over dinner.  Through general conversation, My Love stated he would give me my card in the morning (since that would be our actual anniversary day).  I tried to act like I forgot to get him one but I CAN'T keep a straight face!  I told him I hid it in the garage and he laughed because he hid his there too.  He shared with me casually that he went a different route this year in shopping for one, choosing a funny one instead of a deeply sentimental one (like we typically exchange).  I laughed with relief because this is the first year I did too.  We never even talked about changing things up, but both felt like we know how much we love each other already ; )  He went on to say that his card made a sound.  I said mine didn't.  I took it as, his card played music.  He meant that his card had an animal on it that would make a sound.  I laughed real loud telling him mine had that too.  He asked what sound mine would make but I told him I didn't want to give away the card too much.  I added that my card MOVED when you opened it and he laughed hysterically (covering his mouth, almost losing his food) trying to say his did too.  We agreed to stop describing our cards for fear we bought the SAME ONE!!!  The hearty cheese & bread appetizer was slightly filling so we split a meal (at the suggestion of his sister) and left feeling full but not overly stuffed. 

On our first anniversary, we got really nice Bulova watches and we each needed batteries replaced.  We decided to try and pass through Fred Meyer on the way home and browse the store after seeing the jeweler.  He had gone home for the day already so we carried on with ourselves, nonchalantly.  We looked at sunglasses for fun and My Love said "no way, I look like a 40 year old man in these" while a lady around that age was standing next to him.  He smiled, embarrassed at what he just said and she grinned and walked away.  He didn't mean anything by it, but felt bad after he blurted it out.  We were going to get Baskin & Robins ice cream on the way to the car in the shopping square but we were having too much fun that we forgot.  By the time we realized it, we were half way home ; )  Our date didn't end when we got home.  We tucked the kids in bed and enjoyed a movie & popcorn night together.

The next morning we anxiously exchanged our cards.  We opened them with great anticipation, discovering (thankfully) that they were VERY similar but DIFFERENT.  It was amusing to us that on this particular year we both, without knowing the other would do the same, picked extremely alike cards that were not what we would habitually buy.  All together, it was an anniversary to remember ; )

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