Wednesday, March 28, 2012

More Than Just a Status Update

I want my blog to be a place where family and friends can have a deeper connection through tales of our day to day life.  Facebook is great but sometimes it feels like it's just a 'surface-level sharing' site.  I intend on sharing deep thoughts, feelings of faith, intimate encounters, fun facts, delicious recipes, and hopefully enjoyable humor.  Basically, I want to share my life in a way that is more than just a status update and with someone other than  my 2 year old  ; )  I am not an expert at anything but I am passionate about my family and what I believe in.  I will also share with you, products, places & things I like or how I do something. I hope hear back from you as well on what you like and why or how you do something... By sharing my thoughts, I anticipate hearing similar & opposing views ; )  I desire feedback, sometimes beyond just a one word quote like cute or cool.  I love reading other blogs and feel a correlation between our lives from strangers simply from deep felt communication.  I would love to have a 'homey' feel when someone reads my blog but I hope I won't stir up controversy simply by difference of opinion ; )  I wish to provide (and gain myself) encouragement on a variety of topics including faith, education, marriage, children, cooking, style, crafts or anything in between ; )


  1. Cool! Ha ha ha
    I totally understand, I use my blog as a sounding board and to share my day to day life. Its powerful to be that honest somewhere. It is strange however to have someone at church come up and ask me how B2's diet is going or is Derek feeling better, or I love your post about being a circus side show! I am never ready for that because it doesn't seem like people want to be connected anymore, but then they do! Derek and I do worship at our church so a lot of people "know" us that we don't know at all, but they find our blog and feel connected! (sometimes when I am faced with people I don't really know who read it, i think I could have been a little less emotional in that post, or left some details out of that other one. Because some of my posts are so personal I still cry when I read them) Blogging to me is like a sigh of relief, like there I said it and I feel relieved. My boys, I am sure you are the same, are my life all 4 of them Derek included. But I do have a deeper need to connect with other Mama's who have premature babies, Autism, Celiac, homeschool, cook, love Jesus...and so on. and blogging is a way to do that!

    Love to you, and thanks for being so honest! Thats what its all about!
    <3 Bekah

  2. Bekah,
    I am SO glad I found your blog and thankful you like mine.
    I get the same thing through FB that you do through church. Acquaintances approach me in the grocery store to chat about current events in my family too. I also get the 'your baby is getting SO big' line. I am not sure how many people will follow my blog but I agree that it is a healthy 'outlet' -I- enjoy : ) I long for that connection, like you. I also seek insight from other blogs as well. I have learned how to cloth diaper my baby, gained information on homeschooling, found craft ideas, and followed faith inspired posts, the list goes on. (OMG, writing this reply to you has made me think of a possible entry I'd like to make now hahahaha) I understand the 'writing everything down and feeling better afterward' sensation. I really look forward to branching out and connecting with other bloggers with similar interests more.
    Love you all and can't wait to talk in person, Ashley
